Welcome to the Northwest Catholic District School Board! Kindergarten registration for children in Year 1 Kindergarten (Junior Kindergarten) or children new to their school in Year 2 (Senior Kindergarten) will take place during Regional Kindergarten Registration Week on February 24th - 28th, 2025; however we welcome you to register your child at any time throughout the school year.
Parents may register their child(ren) who will be 4 years of age by December 31, 2025 in the first year of the 2-year Kindergarten program.
To register your child please use the online link below.
Your completed application form must also include the following documents (required):
Birth Certificate
Year 1 children are required to be 4 years of age on or before December 31, 2025.
Year 2 children are required to be 5 years of age on or before December 31, 2025.
Please note: Children currently registered in their school's Year 1 program are not required to register for the Year 2 program. Placement in the Year 2 program will be processed by the school.
Each of our schools are unique and some offer complimentary language programs to choose from including: English, French Immersion, and Ojibway. Please visit each school's website to learn more!
In partnership with our local service providers, The Northwest Catholic District School Board offers high-quality programs that impact children's development. Our childcare and Kindergarten programs are tailored to children's development; value children as creative, active learners; and celebrate diversity, equity, and inclusion.
"Every experience in a child's early life has an impact on his/her development now and in the future. Parents and families are the first
and most powerful influence on children's early learning and development.
Young children and their families live in communities that shape early experiences." (ELECT, p.4)